Essential Teachings

A selection of essential discourses

These videos are taken from discourses offered at online meetings and retreats and offer an introduction to Amoda Maa’s essential teachings. Her teachings can also be enjoyed by reading a selection of Interviews & Articles and Writings.

The Shift From Ego to Being

The shift in perception from the periphery of self (ego) to the depth of self (being-ness) changes everything from the inside out. It's an inner revolution of consciousness that transforms the way we see things and the way we relate to everything.

Learning the Art of Surrender

Surrender on the spiritual path is the key to peace, happiness and freedom. It's more important than trying to achieve a perfect state of enlightenment. Surrender is not of the mind, but trying to achieve a “perfect state of enlightenment” is a mind activity. True freedom comes when the mind's efforting and acquisitiveness have been surrendered.

Commitment to Love and Truth

Asking yourself the question "What am I committed to in this lifetime?" is a powerful doorway to a deeper truth. Are you committed to position-taking, story-making, seeking someone or something to fulfill the hole inside? Or are you committed to knowing the truth of your being-ness, your innate wholeness? If it's the latter, then a new frequency of love will be birthed through you.

How Loving This Moment Fully Allows Flow and Freedom

When we are attached to our preferences of how life should be, we struggle with how life is. By meeting each moment with an unconditional openness, life becomes a dance of phenomenal experiences but we are not attached to these experiences. And so life is experienced as a seamless flow rather than a polarity of opposites.

Undoing the Matrix of Identity

Amoda explores the possibility of turning attention away from the peripheral experience of mind/body/energy activity to more essential open awareness that is always here. This is the deeper meaning of "relaxation", a softening of the tight boundary of "me" identity.

How Softening Your Gaze Transforms Everything to Love

The way we see things is fundamental to our state of consciousness. By softening our gaze, we can open to the love inherent in ourselves. It's a falling away of the veils of perception that allows our eyes to open to direct reality.

Going Beyond the "Law of Attraction" to the True Source of Abundance

Is the "law of attraction" enough? Is thinking or imagining or willing what you want enough for true fulfillment? Amoda explores a deeper abundance that comes from your "enough-ness" within, and how this can be reflected outwardly.

Life Challenges as a Powerful Catalyst for Spiritual Awakening

Life challenges are a powerful catalyst for spiritual awakening, like a tipping point in which consciousness can either devolve or evolve. Amoda explores how we can recognize this tipping point and accelerate our evolution.

The Direct Way to Freedom from the Matrix of Conditioning

Amoda explores how the matrix of conditioning takes place from the momentum of the past, and how we can free ourselves from this prison.

Nondual Realization is Directly Available to You in Every Experience

Nondual realization is not dependent on any practice or method. It is a direct knowing that is available to you, when there is a shift in perspective that sees beyond subject and object.

How the Ego Forms Itself and How the Ego Dissolves When We See This Process

The ego is a process not a thing, not an entity. When we start to see the process which takes place in every moment of life, in every experience, in every reaction or response, then we can start to be free of the prison of ego identity.

The Body is an Aperture Through Which the Divine Experiences Itself

Amoda unpacks the limited belief that "I am a spiritual being encased in a physical suit" and points to the understanding of the body (thoughts, sensations, feelings, perceptions) is a focal point for the Divine to know itself.

Getting Lost in the Content of Experience vs. the Clarity of Open Awareness

Amoda explores how understanding the mechanism of identification with our experience allows us to meet whatever is here without getting lost in it, and how this facilitates us to meet reality from the clarity of open awareness.