One-to-One Work

Private Sessions

Amoda Maa no longer offers private sessions. If you wish to immerse yourself in her teachings and have direct dialogue with her, you can do so by participating in the Online Meetings and Programs as well as the In-Person Retreats.

Private sessions are now offered by Kavi, who will support the journey of deepening into your authentic nature. 

His work is grounded in the living truth of the Amoda Maa Teachings, as well as drawing on his own rich experience in the fire of personal transformation. 

These sessions are not self-help or therapy. Kavi does not provide any tools for self-improvement or on-going support for psychological issues. Rather, he offers a natural capacity for deep listening, presence and clarity of insight, always guiding you to a deeper truth and to your own inner authority.

Sessions usually take place on Wednesday each week. This is subject to change. 

All sessions take place online, using Zoom.

Kavi also offers a 10-week Mentoring Program for individuals who are ready to break through to the next level of inner transformation.

We will work together in a container of presence to gently expose and examine what stands in the way of your authentic self. I will support you in unraveling the residue of conditioned thought, inherited beliefs, family patterns, and addictive mechanisms. And I will support you in bringing to light any hidden fears that prevents you from living unconditionally as the openness of your true nature.
— Kavi
Portrait of Kavi in a black shirt, standing in front of a bookshelf, with a calm and composed expression.

Private Session Participant Feedback

Kavi has been instrumental in helping me see beyond the veil of my conditioned self.
— Nichole
Kavi stands in his heart and speaks with compassion, mirroring my own heart with such tenderness and respect. It is a gift to have such a guide in this life.
— Mary Ann
After just one session I felt a weight lift from my shoulders, my passion for life started to come back and I felt that I could achieve what I have been put here on this Earth to do!
— Kate

Schedule a Session


Wednesdays of each week.

Session Times:

9am / 10.30am / 12pm

2.30pm / 4pm

(each session is 60 minutes in duration)

All times shown are Mountain Time (USA). Please check your local time using the Time Zone Convertor.

Please make sure you are available for all the dates shown above, and indicate your first and second preference for session time in the application form below.

Mentoring Program

A 10-week series of one-to-one sessions, to provide focused support on the journey of inner transformation.

This program is for those who are ready to —

  • Break through old patterns and limiting beliefs.

  • Bring to light unresolved emotions and learn to meet feelings as they arise.

  • Face fear and be rooted in presence in all circumstances.

  • De-myth ideas, concepts and expectations of the spiritual journey and being a “spiritual person”.

  • Deepen into awareness and bring this awareness into all aspects of the human life, especially relationships.

You will be required to be 100% committed to the journey, by —

  • “Showing up” fully in each session and being willing for self-honesty.

  • Watching or listening to the recordings of each session (you can often receive more insights when you revisit the session conversation).

  • Keeping a Journal throughout the 10 weeks.

  • Working with the Contemplations/Meditations that will be offered throughout the journey.

Each session is 60 minutes in duration, and takes place on Zoom.

It’s like someone came down from the mountain top to meet me in the market place. Kavi’s guidance is unique and valuable.
— Aaron

The Mentoring Program can start any time, with sessions on either Wednesdays for 10 weeks.

There are several time slots available, and you will need to keep to the same time each week.

Please fill out this application form and we will get back to you:

There are limited places available — please fill out the application form below.

The total cost for the 10-week Mentoring Program is $1750 (to be paid in full when you register). You will be sent payment details when your place has been confirmed.