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7-Week CHAKRA Series — “Portals to the Infinite”

Portals to the Infinite

A Journey through the Chakras
7-Week Online Program

Over 7 weeks, Amoda will guide you to an understanding of how the infinity of Being-ness is experienced through the energy system of the individual self.

This is an exploration of the seven energy bodies of the human being and how they relate to the flow of divine intelligence, specifically from a nondual perspective. Amoda will offer potent pointers and guided meditations to facilitate bringing the light of awareness to the seven primary portals (chakras) in order to dissolve blockages and impediments on the path to embodied enlightenment.

This is not a philosophical, intellectual or knowledge-based teaching, but an experiential one based on Amoda’s wealth of personal experience in the realm of energy-work and her own direct experience of nondual realization.

Kavi will support this program by offering his guidance and wisdom, especially in the arena of bringing light to emotional blockages and bringing deep presence into the cells of the body.

Each weekly session is 120 minutes (2 hours) in duration and will include a Discourse, Meditation, and time for Q&As.

The sessions take place online using Zoom.

An audio and video recording of the meeting each week will be made available for the duration of the program, and for 30 days after the program ends. The recordings are available for streaming and are not downloadable.

Topics for Each Week (includes a Guided Meditation):

  • Here we explore how each chakra is a focal point for organized life energy, and how these focal points are veiled by conditioning, karmic traces, and character tendencies. We explore the relationship between the chakra system and nondual awareness and how imbalance and blockages can inform us so that we realign with the flow of divine intelligence.

  • Before we can be free of the limited belief that "I am the body", we must be totally present in the body. Here we explore how tension, fear of scarcity, and feeling separate are all veils to the stillness, groundedness and dynamic aliveness available to us in this first chakra portal.

  • In this second chakra portal, the dance of duality takes place through our emotions and our relationships. We explore how blockages are created when feelings are suppressed, when we are dependent on another for love and security, and when we are over-attached to desire. We investigate releasing the flow of energy through this chakra and coming into deep intimacy with life itself and being in touch with a direct felt-sense.

  • It is through the third chakra portal that we are able to metabolize our food and also assimilate our experience of life. From this focal point, we listen to our inner authority and take right action. If this portal is obscured or blocked, we may suffer from inertia and self-doubt, or from over-control and suppressed anger. We explore how we can shift from the struggle of personal will to the flow of divine will, and from passivity to enthusiasm.

  • This fourth chakra is a portal to the unbounded heart, and here we explore how we can shift from judgment and resentment to unconditional openness. We also explore how this portal connects us to the One Being-ness so that we can simply love without transaction or conditionality.

  • As the lower chakras become purified with the light of awareness, the fifth portal opens naturally. This is where the vibrational field of our inner environment meets the external environment and reveals itself in how we communicate and express ourselves. We explore the shift from vibrational disharmony to harmony and how we can deepen into the wholeness of "I Am".

  • Here we explore the sixth and seventh chakras as portals to nondual awareness and beyond into the great void of emptiness or silence that is the groundless ground of all existence. We explore how being identified as the "me-self" keeps these portals veiled as confusion, ignorance, and opinion-based perception. And we offer the invitation to "die into the void of silence" as the final liberation.

When all inner and outer manifestations — including you — are recognized as consciousness shining through form, all resistance to life in all its guises dissolves.
— Amoda Maa

Dates and Times


OCTOBER 03 / 10 / 17 / 24 /31

9am Pacific / 10am Mountain / 12pm Eastern (USA)

5pm UK / 6pm Central Europe

You can join the sessions from anywhere in the world—please make sure to calculate your local time by using time zone convertor.

If you are unsure of the date and time in your location, please contact us.

Tickets & Registration

There are two ticket types:

STANDARD: $275 for single person / $395 for two people sharing a screen.

SUPPORTER (for those who wish to support a partial scholarship for someone with limited financial resources): $325 for single person / $450 for two people sharing a screen.

Use the registration form below to purchase your ticket.

You will receive instructions with a zoom link to allow you to join the course live, after you register and purchase your ticket (please look out for this in your inbox, and keep safe the instructions).

Please note — registration will close approximately 15 minutes prior to the start of the course.

There are no cancellations possible for online programs. If you miss any or all of the sessions, you will have access to the recordings for the duration of the program and up to 30 days after the event (the recordings are available for streaming and are not downloadable).

If you have any questions, please contact us here.

By booking this event, you are accepting the Terms & Conditions (please read these to become familiar with our cancellation policy, code of conduct, and recordings policy).

July 25

In-Person 7-DAY RETREAT at Borden Estate Mansion, New York, USA

October 5

Online PUBLIC MEETING with Amoda Maa