Knowing the Light of Being
A Series of Nondual Meditations
5-Week Online Program
Over 5 weeks, Amoda Maa will offer profound pointers and guided meditations to support you in knowing the light of Being as your own Self.
The root of psychological suffering is the sense of being a 'separate self’, existing as an entity independent of the unified field of life and awareness. To know oneself as the light of Being is to end the suffering of the illusory ‘separate self’ and realize the essential non-dual nature of who you really are.
This is not a philosophical, intellectual or knowledge-based teaching, but an experiential one. Amoda will offer insights and pointers based on her own direct experience of nondual awareness and the abidance in that in everyday life.
Each weekly session is 120 minutes (2 hours) in duration and will include a Discourse, Meditation, and time for Q&As.
An audio and video recording of the meeting each week will be made available for the duration of the program and up to 30 days after the program ends.
Topics and Meditations for Each Week:
We often think of awareness as a faculty of the self that can focus on objects, and rarely do we realize the true nature of awareness as that which permeates all things. In this guided meditation and discourse, we bring attention to the ever-present “I” in all experiences to deepen our understanding of awareness.
Here, we immerse ourselves in an experiential understanding of the eternal now and how all thoughts, memories, hopes, and dreams collapse into this undivided awareness. By resting in the eternal now, we may discover a deeper peace and unfolding joy that arises from our innate wholeness.
The sense of being a ‘separate self’ is strongly tied in to being identified with the body. By softening our internal gaze on thought, feeling and sensation, the body is divested of identity and is experienced as a vibrational field in the vast spaciousness of being.
Here, we enter the gateway of the breath to discover that breath is not limited to our body, but is actually one with the universal field of open awareness. Is it the self that is breathing, or is the universe breathing itself into the self?
As you immerse yourself in the constancy of the awareness, you may come to realize that everything you experience through perception, sensation, feeling, and thought takes place in you. Can you recognize yourself as without any border, and can you recognize that all that you know is known in this borderless dimension?
“The light of being is the ever-present awareness that underlies and remains constant through the ebb and flow of thoughts, emotions, and all phenomena. Who you really are is that light of being.”
Dates and Times
MAY 15 / 22 / 29
JUNE 05 / 12
9am Pacific / 10am Mountain / 12pm Eastern (USA)
5pm UK / 6pm Central Europe
You can join the sessions from anywhere in the world—please make sure to calculate your local time by using time zone convertor.
If you are unsure of the date and time in your location, please contact us.
Tickets & Registration
There are two ticket types:
STANDARD: $225 for single person / $395 for two people sharing a screen.
SUPPORTER (for those who wish to support a partial scholarship for someone with limited financial resources): $295 for single person / $450 for two people sharing a screen.
Use the registration form below to purchase your ticket.
You will receive instructions with a special link to allow you to join the course, after you register and purchase your ticket (please look out for this in your inbox, and keep safe the instructions).
Please note — registration will close approximately 15 minutes prior to the start of the course.
There are no cancellations possible for online programs. If you miss any or all of the sessions, you will receive the recordings.
If you have any questions, please contact us here.
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