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5-Week NONDUAL MEDITATION Series — “Realizing the Ocean of Awareness”

Realizing the Ocean of Awareness

A Series of Nondual Meditations
5-Week Online Program

Over 5 weeks, Amoda will offer profound pointers and guided meditations to support you in the recognition of nondual awareness.

The recognition of that which is beyond the duality of perception, thought and feeling takes us to the experience of the ever-present and unchanging reality of awareness. And yet, paradoxically, this recognition allows all perception, thought and feeling to be fully embraced. It’s as if the subject (you, the experiencer) and the object (the experience) merge into each other and the sense of separation comes undone. What reveals itself is the eternal ground of Being … and this is the source of true peace and freedom.

This is not a philosophical, intellectual or knowledge-based teaching, but an experiential one. Amoda will offer insights and pointers based on her own direct experience of nondual awareness and the abidance in that in everyday life.

Each weekly session is 120 minutes (2 hours) in duration and will include a Discourse, Meditation, and time for Q&As.

An audio and video recording of the meeting each week will be made available for the duration of the program.

Topics and Meditations for Each Week:

  • We often think of awareness as a faculty of mind that allows us to focus on something, such as an object or a task. We can also be aware of thinking, feeling, and sensing. This “being aware of our experience” is the essence of “mindfulness” … but can we be aware of awareness itself? “Awareness of awareness” is, in fact, the foundation of nonduality … and it’s closer to us than we imagine.

  • For most people, awareness is lost in the content of experience, resulting in identification with the content (“I am this” or “I am that”). This is the formation of the ego-identity and a sense of limitation and separation … it’s as if we are trapped in the boundary of “me”. The search for freedom or self-realization calls us to discover ourselves beyond the boundary of “me”. Are you willing to know yourself as vast spacious awareness? And can this include the content of experience without getting lost in it?

  • The constant and unconscious mind-activity of naming and labelling our experience creates a distance from that experience. It also creates suffering as we attempt to reject or suppress the experience if it’s unwelcome, or hold onto or possess the experience if it’s welcome. Is it possible to experience purely, without naming or labelling? And does this create an energetic shift that ends separation and suffering?

  • Suffering is simply resistance to “what is”, in other words resistance to our immediate and present experience. Resistance creates opposition and opposition creates the inner experience of duality … the “ping-pong” of feeling good/feeling bad, feeling liberated/feeling imprisoned, and so on. Are you willing to welcome the totality of your experience and discover the underlying reality of eternal presence?

  • As you choose to soften resistance and open to “welcoming what is” — without naming or labelling — you can go even deeper by pointing awareness back to its source? This is the inward inquiry that complements the outward inquiry of the first meditation (Week 1). Here, the inquiry is to ask yourself if you can find the “I” in any experience that is just experienced and not named.

The invitation to finally discover what you have been searching for requires the willingness to fall off the edge of mind and into the unknown vista of unboundedness.
— Amoda Maa

Dates and Times

MARCH 21 / 28

APRIL 04 / 11 / 18

9am Pacific / 10am Mountain / 12pm Eastern (USA)

4pm UK / 5pm Central Europe

You can join the sessions from anywhere in the world—please make sure to calculate your local time by using time zone convertor.

If you are unsure of the date and time in your location, please contact us.

Tickets & Registration

There are two ticket types:

STANDARD: $225 for single person / $395 for two people sharing a screen.

SUPPORTER (for those who wish to support a partial scholarship for someone with limited financial resources): $295 for single person / $450 for two people sharing a screen.

Use the registration form below to purchase your ticket.

You will receive instructions with a special link to allow you to join the course, after you register and purchase your ticket (please look out for this in your inbox, and keep safe the instructions).

Please note — registration will close approximately 15 minutes prior to the start of the course.

There are no cancellations possible for online programs. If you miss any or all of the sessions, you will receive the recordings.

If you have any questions, please contact us here.

By booking this event, you are accepting the Terms & Conditions (please read these to become familiar with our cancellation policy, code of conduct, and recordings policy).

April 12

Online PUBLIC MEETING with Kavi — "Deeply Accepting Impermanence”